ICO Investment – Do not burn Ether in Gas


An investor lost a significant amount of Ether during the failed attempt to purchase AirSwap tokens during its ICO, a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange that started their public crowdsale on Tuesday. The Investor was trying to buy $508,000 (1,700 Ether) worth of AirSwap tokens, but the trade failed and the investor lost $70,000 (236.9516 Ether) in form of Ethereum transaction fees.


AirSwap is a decentralized token exchange based on the Swap protocol whitepaper. Swap provides a decentralized trading solution based on a peer-to-peer design. The design solves two problems encountered in a peer-to-peer trading environment: counter-party discovery and pricing suggestions.

The token sale happened between 10 October 2017 10:10:10 AM Eastern Time and 11 October 2017 at 9:10:10 AM Eastern Time. The token sale was whitelisted and shortlisted investors were entitled to allocation of the individual cap (3.3 ETH) during the entire 23 hours of the main sale. The whitelist registration process happened between October 4, 2017 at 10:00AM Eastern Time and October 6, 2017 at 4:00PM Eastern Time. During the whitelist registration there were more than 18,000 submissions of which 12,719 were successfully whitelisted for the sale.

AirSwap was running the sale through their own platform https://launch.airswap.io/ to avoid Ethereum network congestion, high gas fees, and to put their protocol and smart contracts to work. It is a web application that connects to the Ethereum network. MetaMask and Parity browser extensions were required for the AirSwap sale.

The Trade

The investor, only known at this point by their Ethereum blockchain address 0xf51ec864d5fb2f184198e369fe063fc77045a3ad, was trying to buy about $508,000 worth of AirSwap tokens or 1,700 ether according to the transaction history. As Etherscan explains, although the the trade failed/cancelled, the investor still lost $70,000 (236.9516 Ether) in form of Ethereum gas (transaction fees). The error during the transaction was, “Error encountered during contract execution [Bad instruction]”.

In a “Cancelled” transaction, the Ether value was not deducted from the sending address. However the Transactions fees (Gas Used x Gas Price) will still be deducted from the sending account (From Address).

[Bad instruction] warning indicates a logical error during contract execution, if interacting with a TokenSale/ICO Contract, its possible that the:
– ICO has yet to start
– ICO has ended
– ICO has reached its maximum contribution limit

The date of the transaction is “Oct-11-2017 02:24:23 PM +UTC” (Oct-11-2017 9:24:23 AM Eastern Time) but the ICO end time was approximately 11 October 2017 at 9:10:10 AM Eastern Time. There was also a L(AST) Chance Sale on Oct 11 2017 that started on 10:10:10 AM Eastern Time to 12:12:12 PM Eastern Time.

In an ugly twist of fate the user’s transaction seemed in between these sale periods which may have resulted in his transactions being cancelled. It appears that the unfortunate participant was targeting the L(AST) Chance Sale, which was an uncapped sale running on the AirSwap token launcher platform. The total amount for the sale was dependent on the number of tokens that weren’t sold in the main sale on October 10th or beta tester sale on October 9th. During the main sale 30M AST were sold to 9,400 individual buyers. The investor was likely targeting some of the remaining tokens but was early to the sale.

The transaction possibly reverted because the transaction wasn’t yet valid. So while the investor wanted tokens from the contract, the contract wasn’t yet ready to transfer them because there is a hard-lock making them non-transferable until the 17th. On top of that, it also looks like the user may have been trying to transfer too many tokens at once.

Technical Analysis

The core of this issue resides not in either of the contracts, but instead, in the Ethereum VM (EVM) itself. This bloomberg article alludes to the fact that investors “do forfeit the amount of ether necessary to make the deal possible”. This is technically correct, as this is more commonly known as the gas cost of the execution for the contract within the community. The end-user has two options in most cases when they’re working with a send to a contract, which is the maximum gas that they are willing to spend, as well as the value of each unit of gas, in ETH that is to be spent. It’s very common to raise the value of the gas you’re willing to spend in order to prioritize your transfers.

In this particular instance, the gas-usage was extremely high. This was because the user had set their gas price to approximately 4000 times the typical amount. Other payments in their block were approximately 0.0000001 ETH per gas, but the user had it set to .0004. There was no bug in the contracts, just the behavior doesn’t work /quite/ as expected due to the way that everything fits and slides together. If the REVERT opcode had acted properly, the contract would have returned back > 90% of the gas, making this still an expensive issue at $7,000 spent for a failed transaction, however it would have saved the user $63,000.

Importance of REVERT opcode

Now referring to this question on stackexchange in an Ethereum smart contract there are two functions of interest: assert() and require().

assert(false) compiles to 0xfe, which is an invalid opcode, using up all remaining gas, and reverting all changes.

require(false) compiles to (0xfd), which is currently invalid, but after Metropolis will become REVERT, meaning it will refund the remaining gas, and return a value (useful for debugging). 

Prior to the Metropolis fork, the require() and assert() functions actually behave identically, but they already compile to different opcodes when the condition is false. This means that your contracts will behave very differently after Metropolis depending on which one you use.

If one reads their solidity contract

function availableBalance(address _owner) constant returns(uint256) {
    if (balanceLocks[_owner].unlockDate < now) {
        return balances[_owner];
    } else {
        assert(balances[_owner] >= balanceLocks[_owner].amount);
        return balances[_owner] - balanceLocks[_owner].amount;

One can see that in function availableBalance there is the statement assert(balances[_owner] >= balanceLocks[_owner].amount) which is an invalid opcode and could use up all remaining gas and revert all changes. This is one of the two possible locations that used up all the gas in the user’s transaction.

As it stands, right now, the Ethereum VM doesn’t formally support the REVERT opcode, only as of 28 days ago did the actual REVERT opcode (0xfd) become placed inside of the EVM source code. This changes with the Metropolis (Byzantium hardfork) release, version 1.7.1, block number 4,370,000 (Nominally Oct. 17). At that time it will become active as part of the hard-fork. Right now, the REVERT opcode throws an exception, which is expected, because it’s not formally supported. Due to this, as the actual functional code that supports REVERT isn’t active yet, it means that the gas, was fully consumed.

The reason that the consumption was so high, was due to the fact that the gas was transferred via an OPCODE CALL, which is normal in these cases, forwarding along the bulk of the available gas to ensure the sub-function can execute. Internally, this other contract did also use a REVERT code, but as it is not live it simply threw an exception rather than returning the gas. Once the hard fork happens, the REVERT opcode will become live, and that won’t be an issue any longer. So this error goes away in ~1 week. Many contracts reviewed by Hosho and other auditing companies have moved to using the revert() call which does use the upcoming REVERT opcode, to prepare for this, allowing the unused gas to be returned back, and ensuring that these are less costly.

How to setup Gas during ICO

Ether (ETH) is the fuel for that Ethereum network. when you send tokens, interact with a contract, send ETH, or do anything else on the blockchain, you must pay for that computation. That payment is calculated in Gas and gas is paid in ETH. You are paying for the computation, regardless of whether your transaction succeeds or fails. Even if it fails, the miners must validate and execute your transaction (compute) and therefore you must pay for that computation just like you would pay for a successful transaction. You can see your TX fee (gas limit * gas price) in ETH & USD when you search for your transaction on etherscan.io. The gas limit is called the limit because it’s the maximum units of gas you are
willing to spend on a transaction. However, the units of gas necessary for a transaction are already defined by how much code is executed on the blockchain.

It is very important to understand how gas works in order to make judicious decision while submitting a transaction to a Smart contract. If you are out of gas during a transaction, the transaction will be unable to complete. If you have extra gas during a transaction all unused gas is refunded to you at the end. If you send 1 ETH  and use a gas limit of 400,000 you will receive 400,000 – 21,000* back. However, if you were sending 1 ETH to a contract and your transaction to the contract fails (say, the Token Creation Period is already over), you will use the entire 400,000 and receive nothing back. You can use our tool to calculate GWEI <-> WEI <-> USD here, which can be helpful when you want to know your TX fee in ETH, rather than GWEI. You can do so by lowering the amount you pay per unit of gas. The price you pay for each unit increases or decreases how quickly your transaction will be mined.

During Token Creation Periods, these costs go crazy due to supply / demand. 50 GWEI is the max gas price most new Token Creation Period contracts will accept. Anything above that and your TX will fail. Check with the Token Creation Period if you wish to invest in, ideally 50 GWEI would be the amount you should send in that case.


While there was noting wrong with the smart contract developed by Airswap, the whole 2 Hour window created a favorable condition for token grab between investors, but did cost few investors dearly. Responsible companies should make strides to avoid such a situation occurring during their ICO. Burning $70,000 (236.9516 Ether) as gas is not a small thing and this is something not only the investors but also the ICO team should have taken into consideration. It is time that the whole Ethereum ecosystem as a whole address the issue of exorbitant Gas prices and help make Ethereum transactions more safe and rational.


  • https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-10-11/buyer-beware-as-70-000-goes-up-in-smoke-on-broken-ico-trade
  • https://github.com/airswap/contracts/blob/master/contracts/AirSwapToken.sol
  • https://myetherwallet.github.io/knowledge-base/gas/what-is-gas-ethereum.html
  • https://etherscan.io/tx/0x167b6e3217536e66e69f906a457b2457c6cc4f95928a47b0443ad895b23c6e76
  • https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/15166/difference-between-require-and-assert-and-the-difference-between-revert-and-thro/24185#24185
  • https://etherscanio.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/16000062876-my-transaction-had-been-cancelled-error-is-out-of-gas-or-bad-instructions-when-will-the-funds-r)
  • https://blog.airswap.io/airswap-token-buyers-guide-14916228d516

ICO Review – Enigma



Symbol: ECAT

Crowdsale opening date: 21 August 2017

Platform for Fundraiser: Ethereum


It is a platform that empowers anyone to build their own crypto hedge fund. Their vision is to enable developers to build winning investment strategies, a strong track record and attract investment from community investors. Catalyst is a playground where developers, quants, and experienced traders can easily build, simulate and eventually live trade cryptocurrencies using sophisticated programmatic strategies. Regular investors can then invest directly in winning strategies through our system. With this, they hoping to make smart-investing in this new emerging asset class accessible to everyone. 



Currently, centralized exchanges have a history of halting payments and worse losing assets under their custody. Decentralized on-chain exchange protocols lack the low-latency characteristics to support any practical trading infrastructure or high-frequency trading. 


As a playground, it will help developers, quants and experienced traders can easily build, simulate and eventually, live trade cryptocurrencies. Regular investors can then invest directly in winning strategies through our system. Catalyst is also a protocol to bridge existing and future exchanges into a single, decentralized system that is fast, scalable and most importantly keeps users in control of their funds. 

Value Proposition for Investors

The ECAT token which is Catalyst’s native token serves a critical and transparent purpose for all stakeholders. 

Catalyst tokens will be used to reward and also a mode of payment for trading strategies, data sources also will become the fees by community members to access premium services on the platform. 

Right now, they are focusing on four main token dynamics: 

  • Quant-trading platform 
    • High performing trading strategies will be rewarded with Catalyst tokens through periodical competitions. Developers will be required to spend Catalyst tokens to be eligible to attract investments. 
  • Data marketplace 
    • Consuming Catalyst tokens will provide access to premium data sources. Similarly, data curators will charge community members via Catalyst tokens. 
  • Investment platform 
    • Users who invest in trading strategies will have to consume Catalyst tokens. The management and performance fees that traders charge will also be based on Catalyst tokens. 
  • Catalyst Exchange 
    • Liquidity providers running their exchange protocol will be given Catalyst tokens proportional to their contribution to the liquidity pool.

My View

The team behind Enigma Catalyst is not just a team looking at helping to build a decentralized hedge fund solution but have the core Enigma paper to build a decentralized computation framework which may be eclipsed with emerging frameworks like Plasma or Qtum but still holds some interesting aspects. Also, they have a unique paper on decentralized privacy which if executed can provide to be a game changer in implementing decentralized apps on mobile and (Internet of Things) IoT devices as well. 



It is a decentralized computation platform with guaranteed privacy. At its core, it is a P2P network, enabling different parties to jointly store and run computations on data while keeping the data completely private. Enigma‘s computational model is based on a highly optimized version of secure multi-party computation (MPC) framework, guaranteed by a veritable secret-sharing scheme. For storage, they use a modified distributed hash table for holding secret-shared data. An external blockchain is utilized as the controller of the network, manages access control, identities and serves as a tamper-proof log of events. Security deposits and fees incentivize operation, correctness and fairness of the system. Enigma removes the need for a trusted third party, enabling autonomous control of personal data. 

Enigma is designed to connect to an existing blockchain and off-load private and intensive computations to an off-chain network. All transactions are facilitated by the blockchain, which enforces access-control based on digital signatures and programmable permissions. The code is executed both on the blockchain (public parts) and on Enigma (private or computationally intensive parts). Enigma’s execution ensures both privacy and correctness, whereas a blockchain alone can only ensure the latter. Proofs of correct execution are stored on the blockchain and can be audited. They will have a Turing-complete scripting language for designing end-to-end decentralized applications using private contracts, a more powerful variation of smart contracts that can handle private information. Code execution in blockchain is decentralized but not distributed, so every node redundantly executes the same code and maintains the same public-state. In Enigma, the computational work is efficiently distributed across the network. An interpreter breaks down the execution of a private contract, resulting in improved run-time while maintaining both privacy and verifiable. Their distributed computation design is inspired from secure MPC based on SPDZ that depend on a public append-only bulletin board, which stores the trail of each computation. 


Catalyst is a set of applications and the infrastructure to drive better investment strategies, hence increasing the adoption of crypto-assets. 

Catalyst is expanding on the existing work of Quantopian to enable developers to create successful crypto-asset trading strategies. 

To begin trading, users open payment channels with a chosen liquidity provider, in the currencies they wish to trade. The assets are exchanged atomically by executing a single, cross-chain payment, routed through the liquidity provider. Catalyst attempts to make algorithmic trading accessible for developers, by providing a complete toolchain that makes developing and testing trading strategies easy.

Key Features

  • Provides Code Privacy 
  • Zipline is the engine used. 
  • Trading SDK 
    • Any developer will be able to use our free open-source Python SDK, either locally or over a web-based IDE and quickly design trading strategies and back-test them. 
  • The core of the exchange architecture provides a method of performing cross-chain atomic swaps using hashed time- lock contracts (HTLCs), operating under the direction of an algorithmic trade manager. 
  • Cross-Chain Atomic Swaps and Channel Rebalancing 
    • The liquidity of the exchange is ultimately limited by how successfully individual channels can be made to hold the required directional liquidity, at the time a particular trade needs to be executed. 
  • Counterparty Anonymity 
    • The protocol offers traders honest counterparty anonymity, which prevents anyone other than an honest exchange from learning the counterparty in a particular swap, including the trading parties themselves.


The token sale will take place beginning on August 21.

Token Distribution

We are creating a fixed supply of one hundred million (100M) tokens, to be allocated are as follows:

  • 50% to be made available in the initial token sale (to be used only for operations) 
  • 25% retained as incentives for the Catalyst community 
  • 25% distributed to the Enigma team and advisors (current and future) and retained by Enigma

Use of funds

Funds raised through the token sale will be used as follows: 

  • 60% – Product and Technology Development 
  • 15% – Blockchain Research 
  • 10% – Marketing Purposes 
  • 10% – Operations 
  • 5% – Legal and Administrative Costs 

For more details, you may click the following link: https://blog.enigma.co/announcing-enigma-catalysts-token-sale-9c699cd5c72a



Guy Zyskind – Co-founder & CEO 

Can Kisagun – Co-founder & CPO 

Tor Bair – Head of Growth and Marketing 

Vicor Grau Serrat – Senior Software Engineer 

Conner Fromknecht – Software Engineer


For me, the key issue with the team had been non -responsiveness in their Telegram chat, while Catalyst has many interesting offerings, there are many other open Python projects, without an ICO, that can provide a much better and controlled hedge fund strategy platform compared to what Catalyst can provide. Also, their MVP and testnet can only be ready by Q1 2018. Right now, Catalyst runs on Python 2.7 which is a highly customized version of it but not Python 3.6 ready. I am not able to find a docker image to try their platform without going through a setup perdition on my Windows 7 which is not expected from an MIT alumni team. For me, whatever they are trying to leverage via the ECAT platform, I guess, can be done without it and not sure in which exchanges it will be listed as it is more of a utility coin. With similar offerings like Numeriai, it remains to be seen how well they fair in making their project a reality. But it goes without saying, their project if implemented and if gets better support from developers, data curators and traders interested in Quant strategies can find a great value for the crypto community and investors alike. 


Disclaimer: This is not investment or trading advice, always do your own independent research.

ICO Review – LakeBanker



Symbol: BAC

Crowdsale opening date: 15-Sep-17

Crowdsale closing date: 20-Sep-17

Platform for Fundraiser: Ethereum


Their mission is to make core banking services free, for everyone, forever, and to deliver a full suite of financial services, including access to cryptocurrencies, at a much lower cost.



The financial industry needs change for the following reasons: 

  • Traditional banking is too expensive. 
  • Credit cards charge up to 3% on payments. 
  • Bank wires can cost $50 dollars or more and remittances are charged on average over 7% of the amount sent. 
  • Financial services such as currency exchange and credit cards or loans are overpriced. 
  • Many rely on non-traditional forms of banking often most associated with the disadvantaged, such as loan sharks or pawnbrokers. 
  • The traditional banking sector simply does not reach enough people. 
  • Outdated technology makes compliance difficult, inefficient and expensive.


LakeBanker uses mobile and artificial intelligence technologies and employs an innovative “Crowd-Banking” business model. This gives us improved risk management and massively reduced operational overheads. And, hence, they offer core banking services for free and deliver value-added financial services at a much lower cost.

Value Proposition for Investors

BAC tokens are non-refundable. BAC tokens are not for speculative investment. BAC tokens are sold as a functional good and all proceeds received by the company may be spent freely by the company being absent in any condition. Participants must confirm that they are not a U.S. citizen.

My View

By bringing a P2P banking concept, they are trying to enter the Peer-to-Peer crypto-transaction and also P2P cross border transaction space. LocalBitcoins is already a leading player and Everex is trying to break-in. Since September 2015, LakerBanker has been an integral part of the LakeBTC platform, now, they want to develop LakerBanker as a separate entity and build LakerBanker a P2P trading network much beyond LakeBTC.


Key Features

  • The LakeBanker system will coordinate a massive network of individuals, merchants and other institutions who will provide banking services to users. 
  • A LakeBanker provides services of a traditional bank; for example, they can facilitate deposits/withdrawals from the system and conduct KYC (“Know Your Customer”) verification on other users as part of risk management. 
  • Any user can become a LakeBanker; indeed, the system encourages users to both consume and supply banking services. 
  • The network is accessed through a mobile app from which users can initiate requests for services. 
  • A key technological component is our artificial intelligence agent, Sage. Its primary functions are:  
    • To find optimized matches by estimating the time and cost of a specific service. 
    • Adjusting fees and incentives dynamically based on real-time supply and demand conditions. 
    • To conduct ongoing risk management based on the live and historical financial data it collects from the app. 
  • Multiple independent LakeBankers can be assigned to do the due diligence and KYC. 
  • Massively reduced operational overhead compared with traditional banks.  
  • Their banking model leverages a similar positive feedback loop: when we enter a country, a single LakeBanker can easily service at least ten users. 
  • The system encourages users to themselves to become LakeBankers and offer services to others. 
  • As more LakeBankers join the network it becomes more valuable and there are more geographical coverage/saturation and faster matches with user requests through our app. 
  • Their fee options here are, therefore, somewhat complex as fees will depend on the particular LakeBanker and the particular payment method selected. 
  • If a fee is associated with a particular method, a user can pay the fee or earn it by becoming a LakeBanker themselves and offering services to others. 
  • The overall picture is that some payment options for deposit and withdrawal will be free from the outset; others will emerge gradually as our network of LakeBankers expands. 
  • As their ecosystem matures, individuals will start to receive their paycheques directly into the LakeBanker system, many merchants will accept payment from it and we will offer a rich ecosystem of financial services within it. 

About LakeBTC

LakeBTC is a professional exchange for all digital assets including Bitcoin, Ethereum and other altcoins. LakeBanker will spin-off from LakeBTC as an end-user facing, easy-to-use mobile App designed for people and merchants.

Users may deposit or withdraw from the LakeBTC platform in their local currency without meeting the expense and difficulty of making international payments. Currently, our LakeBankers facilitate deposits and withdrawals from the system providing liquidity to customers in many countries and currencies. The demand for other currencies is as strong but LakeBankers in those areas need more support and training.


BAC is based on the Ethereum blockchain and is ERC20-compliant. BAC tokens are functional utility tokens within the LakeBanker system. BAC tokens are not securities.

The total number of BAC will be 500,000,000 (500 million).

  • 250,000,000 will be offered in the Token Sale. 
  • 125,000,000 will be reserved for our User Growth Fund. 
  • 125,000,000 will be distributed to the team.

There is a 5-year vesting schedule for the team tokens, where only 20% is available for trading each year. 

The tokensale will be in two phases:

Phase 1 

Set to be held September 15, 2017, 3 pm UTC – September 20, 2017, 3 pm UTC. They will issue 10 million number of tokens at a discount. In return, they hope to get feedback from the community and collaboration from investors. 

Phase 2 

Will be held in mid-October. BAC tokens will be tradable on LakeBTC soon after the close of Phase 2 and before November 1st, 2017.

For more details on their tokensale, please visit their website: https://lakebanker.com/#token_sale 

Fund Allocation

  • 35% – Product Development 
  • 20% – Technological Infrastructure 
  • 15% – Legal and Compliance 
  • 12% – Business Development and Marketing 
  • 10% – Operational Expenses 
  • 8% – Miscellaneous


2017 – Q3 

  • LakeBanker spin-off and Token Sale. 
  • Add 10 new currencies/tokens and currency pairs. 
  • Develop LakeBanker App for both iOS and Android. 

2017 – Q4 

  • Improve LakeBanker training materials, including online courses, documents, videos and examinations. 
  • Increase capacity by training and supporting 200 Tier-1 LakeBankers around the globe. 
  • Add 30 new currencies/tokens and currency pairs. 


  • Train and support 100,000 LakeBankers. 
  • Acquire significantly more users via the stronger LakeBanker network and free services. 
  • Integrate Big Data analytics tools and risk management system. Issue digital credit cards to selected users. 


  • Furthermore, the LakeBanker network will penetrate more areas, especially developing countries. 
  • Start providing personal loans, car loans, micro loans, small business loans, and mortgages in selected areas. 
  • Issue digital credit cards, for personal loans, to all qualified users. 
  • Work with partners and vendors in commercial banking, insurance, wealth management and peer-to-peer lending to offer more diversified financial services. 
  • With Big Data accumulated, credit risks will be dramatically reduced. 
  • Securitize loans and introduce ABS (Asset-Backed Security). 


Thomas Xie – CEO
Fei Fei – VP, Corporate Alliances
Andrew McCarthy – CSO
Aaron Lu – VP, Operations


The key issues remain as to how LakeBanker can really be called a development over traditional digital banking. Referring to the link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=607119.500  

Some of the biggest issues that plague LakeBTC and LakeBanker are below: 

  • Higher cost of processing fiat payments and making it mandatory for transaction from LakeBTC via LakeBanker. People have complained that even the cost of transactions has grown as big as 160 USD for fiat transaction. 
  • Wire transfers to LakeBankers come at a premium and also take as much as 30 days to process. 
  • Also, it depends on the availability of LakeBankers in a geography to get enough liquidity for that specific currency transaction to go through. In the past, even transactions of GBP & USD had issues in their transactions getting through as either there were not many LakeBankers and even the LakeBankers were not interested in the transaction. End of the day, people pulled out with a loss. 
  • Even the incentives of becoming a LakeBanker does not seem to be great as if you want to deal in a fiat currency you have to be locked into it as a LakeBanker to accept the fiat. 
  • The token economy of BAC is still not fully integrated into the overall LakerBank system as its only used for only incentivization or for certain specific functionality. 
  • Based on the current information, LakeBanker Foundation doesn’t have a legal entity and may still be part of LakeBTC entity. 
  • Also, one of the key concern in the Token sale terms is that it may be spent freely by the company being absent in any condition. 
  • If one goes in more depth in LakeBTC, one issue that may impact general users looking for transparent order books is the DarkPool feature which keeps of transactions in LakeBTC off their order books. Hence, the effective numbers of users, their trade volumes and also LakeBanker numbers may not be as much as advertised. 
  • Also, there have been issues where transactions have been done partially by LakeBanker, or not at all, even after the involvement of LakeBTC support. 
  • Any p2p model is as best as the support that the network provides; e.g. Bitcoin, Ethereum or Dogecoin. But with LakeBTC & LakeBanker, the big issue had been of support levels where users have complained of poor service and not been getting the appropriate response for their issues but rather a part of the FAQ.

My final thoughts are that while LakeBTC & LakeBanker may not be next big thing in banking but as a p2p network in many developing or 3rd world countries it still will have a better chance of growth. But still, regulatory pressure and market maturity will hold back their growth in developed markets. Given their model Chinese, African & South East Asian market may be a great place for them to grow. 


Disclaimer: This is not investment or trading advice, always do your own independent research.

ICO Review – Lampix


Symbol: PIX

Crowdsale opening date: August 9, 2017

Crowdsale closing date: August 18, 2017

Platform for Fundraiser: Ethereum

Country of Incorporation: USA

Company Name: Smart Lamp Inc., Delaware Corp


Lampix is building a Blockchain based image mining network for augmented reality or any other computer vision systems, such as the Lampix device. They are creating a new Blockchain that will hold {image, description} datasets of real world objects. This data is a vital prerequisite for augmented reality systems ranging from smartphones, wearable glasses, or our own Lampix device. 

My View

There are two parts to Lampix, first is the Lampix Device & the Lampix Blockchain Database. They call their token-sale Crowd-Sale Token Launch (CTL) where they will distribute PIX which is an ERC20 utility token on their system. Unfortunately for me, their Lampix Blockchain idea is a no starter database for the Big Data problem they are trying to solve. Their best bet would have been to use a solution like BigchainDB to start out but by mentioning Ethereum they have shown their lack of knowledge of the current limitations of the Ethereum Blockain as a decentralized Database platform in general and for the category wise tree structure huge data set for images and descriptions that they are planning to save.

They are trying to re-invent the wheel for Big Data/Graph Database & AI processing which players like Google and other AI startups have been solving. The biggest challenge in VR/Computer Vision & Machine Learning is not about storing or indexing data, but rather of feature extraction and correlation. Which should have been the primary aspect of the technical treatment of their whitepaper. 

Though they have developed a business model in their whitepaper where they bring in the element of community voting and review but making people buy Lampix device to “mine” pictures may be a non-starter. Rather the money raised from the crowdsale, if they spend on R&D of setting the infrastructure for developing their Lampix platform and developing a rich ecosystem of partnerships with other players like gaming, AI, vision, hardware & location services will help. Also, if one looks closely at the expenditure of reserve funds one will see that 50% will be spent on promotion & acquisition which I feel is a big waste of investor money. 

Also, their treatment of Legal considerations for who can and who cannot invest and the risks in investing in their ICO is not clearly mentioned. They have only mentioned in their legal section how PIX token is not an equity and why they do not come under the purview of SEC, but given the arbitrary nature of Howdy test, and some of the value proposition of the PIX token like community review, reward may expose them to SEC purview and investors should be doing more research about their rights and risks. 

Value Proposition for Investors

Though $50 million may be a huge investment to ask from investors given the 3 or 4-year time period and the kind of capital intensive ecosystem that they want to create, if they even raise $10 million, it can be a great opportunity to take their core platform to the next level. The only value to the investor will be for early adopters who can use the PIX token to buy the Lampix token and can use either in B2B & B2C setup. Also, they can use it for personal use if they want to experience the next wave of digital experience. I feel the speculative value of the token may not be much but again it’s subjective. But given that PIX tokens may be priced at $0.0079 approximately at ICO price, there is always chance that it will appreciate multifold which will be helpful for whales who hold a large amount of this token. 



Before August 9th early Lampix partners will be able to purchase PIX tokens at a 20% bonus. This is limited to $15 million. The amount bought will be deducted from the 1st day’s $20 million.

Crowdsale Token Launch

Launch Date

They plan to have the Crowdsale Token Launch begin on August 9, 2017, through August 18, 2017. They are selling 550,000,000 PIX tokens over a 10-day period with a price of $0.12 per a PIX token during the crowdsale.


Fund Allocation 

Total: 1,100,000,000 PIX tokens will be created.

The breakdown of the tokens is given below: 

Issued: 550,000,000 PIX tokens (50%) will be issued and the coins not sold will be burned. 

Company/Team: 220,000,000 PIX tokens (20%) will be allocated to the team.

The tokens set aside for the team will be released at the end of each period: 

  • 25% will be available at the same time as the public, roughly 1 month after the crowdsale 
  • 25% will be locked for 12 months 
  • 25% will be locked for 24 months 
  • 25% will be locked for 36 months 

Reserved: 330,000,000 PIX tokens (30%) 

The tokens set in reserve (20% total) will be released at the end of each period: 

  • 25% will be available at the same time as the public, roughly 1 month after the crowdsale 
  • 25% will be locked for 12 months 
  • 25% will be locked for 24 months 
  • 25% will be locked for 36 months 

At each release of tokens: 

  • 30% will be used for data acquisition costs, development, marketing, and other corporate needs 
  • 50% will be allocated to acquire other companies, patent, and IP needs 
  • 10% will be allocated to external partners if needed 
  • 10% will be distributed to all PIX token holders (air drop) proportionally to their holdings at the time of the event in PIX tokens 



Current digital solutions are limited to using either a digital screen or a handheld device. Such devices will have limitations in how we can access such device (e.g., We cannot use a touch screen with wet hands, and there is a huge proliferation of devices just to access a specific feature.). There is scope to use virtual & augmented reality, machine learning and AI to develop solutions that can make our interaction with the digital world more seamless. But to develop any such solution huge number of images and data points are required.


Lampix is a hardware and software solution that transforms any flat surface into a smart, augmented reality surface. With an open source API, integrating both computer vision and artificial intelligence, developers can create applications and content that can interact with real world objects, movement, and even hands. To power this device and various other VR and AR devices Lampix is creating a {image, description} database using Blockchain & picture mining. Computer vision and machine learning can be used on this curated and described data base. Also, virtual reality developer can tap into for their own applications.


On an abstract level, the Blockchain networks will be interfaced with various devices. First, interfacing with Lampix, just as they support iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, etc. to start with. And then, they will use Ethereum to support other networks as well. Every miner, voter, and user will be associated with a wallet address.

Picture Mining & Voting

Lampix introduces picture mining where with the use of a Lampix device or any other device with a camera. Miners can take pictures of objects, write a description, and submit it to be verified. Once approved by multi-voter consensus, the dataset is then submitted to the database. With picture mining, there is no proof-of-work mining needed to be done to reap rewards, instead, the miner only needs to submit datasets.

Another way to contribute to the data ecosystem is by voting on datasets. Voters can review pending datasets to make sure the description matches the picture. Once the dataset is approved by the network, voters aligned with the consensus of each dataset will be compensated.


The roadmap is not clear at this point.


George Popescu
CEO at Lampix

Mihai Dumitrescu
CTO at Lampix


Joe Zhou
CEO & Co-Founder at Firstblood
Mentor at Babson GEIR

Mike Mazier
Crypto Developer, Serial Entrepreneur
Merrill Lynch, Columbia University –
Columbia Business School

Catherine Barba
Serial Entrepreneur with multiple
exits focused on retail technology

Lior Zysman
Legal Advisor ZAG-S&W /Blockchain Projects
Tel Aviv University

Rich Alterman
EVP Business Development at GDS Link, LLC
35 Years of Corporate Finance Experience
Boston University Questrom School of Business

Gilad Woltsovitch
Serial Entrepreneur
Founder of Israeli Ethereum Group

Daniel Temkin
Co-Founder at FirstBlood Technologies, Inc.
Boston University School of Law, Concentration
in Intellectual Property Law with Honors

Simon Leger
Professional Crypto-trader and Market Maker
Previously at BNP Paribas, Forex Division
M.S. Financial Mathematics, M.S. Applied Mathematics
from NYU and ENSAE in France Respectively

Pavel Kapelnikov
Serial Entrepreneur and Angel Investor

Lenny Valdberg
President and Co-Founder of Vigo Industries,
Serial Entrepreneur
Brooklyn College, B.S. Computer Science

Igor Kapelnikov
CTO at CTC Transportation Insurance Services
CEO at Global Forwarding Enterprises, LLC
B.S. in Economics, Rutgers University


To me, Lampix Device is absolutely a fantastic innovation which may usher in the next wave of digital innovation very soon. And some startups are already exploring the augmented reality and smart surface technology. And Lampix as a device and the overall value proposition of Lampix as a Startup in long term may be good. There are parts of their ecosystem where PIX as a token and Lampix as a device can make a great value proposition as about utility device. Instead of focusing on developing a Lampix Blockchain database, if they focus on developing a financial model for developing VR/AR apps and their device and API ecosystem based on Blockain, then it will make a more viable seance.

Their whitepaper at 80 pages, one of the biggest whitepapers that I have read till now and hence their FAQ was much more helpful in getting the key points about their platform. Despite some of the gaps that I have mentioned earlier, I feel being given the vesting schedule provided by them has a hope that they would develop a credible platform out of Lampix if they focus more on the core platform than the Blockchain part. 

At the end, it is great that more and more IOT/AR/VR and gaming use cases are developing to leverage and this gives more hopes to bring Blockchain/Cryptocurrency to the mainstream. But still, it remains to be seen how many of these use cases will really succeed and how many will fail taking down the investor equity in form of tokens.


Disclaimer: This is not investment or trading advice, always do your own independent research.

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ICO Review – Everex


Symbol: EVX

Crowdsale opening date: 24 July 2017

Crowdsale closing date
: 30 Aug 2017

Platform for Fundraiser
: Ethereum

Country of Incorporation
: Singapore


EVEREX is a young technology startup in the blockchain space with both a team and a business-model uniquely qualified to answer some of the challenges of international micro-financing. Everex focuses on easing the financial inclusion problem by applying blockchain technology for cross-border remittance, online payment, currency exchange and micro-lending, without the volatility issues of existing, non-stable coin cryptocurrencies. 

My View

Earlier, Everex twitter account was hacked and a fake Ethereum address was put, thanks to their prompt action the account was frozen. And thanks to the proactive involvement of Everex team members, notably “Juan Manuel Dominguez” (24/7), the ICO investors were helped and all their queries answered. This goes onto show how much prepared this team is. Not only raising capital but also engaging and helping prevent against phishing and hacks showing reliable professionalism and commitment. Their architecture was one of most practical, mature and grounded Ethereum-based architecture till now. Also, cross border remittance and micro-lending is one of the hottest use cases where the impact of Ethereum blockchain as a platform can be huge. 

Value Proposition for Investors 

Despite the volatility in ETH and risks related to participating in ICO, this platform is a promising platform as they already have mature products in their portfolio and have a good track record in working on Ethereum platform. Even they are planning to list this token within 3 weeks of the token sale in prominent exchanges. Apart from the speculative value, they have a very good usability of tokens in their platform. With a better track record and a promising team, I am sure this will be a good investment for any ICO investor. 


Note: Only invest in the ICO through the below link and do not invest via any other ETH address.


The EVX token sale is happening between July 24, 2017, to 30 Aug 2017 and will come to an end as soon as 70000 Ether have been raised. 

During the sale, EVX will be offered in 5 price tiers: 

  • Tier 1, starting on July 24, at 09:00 am GMT 1 Ether will buy you 250 EVX. 
  • Tier 2, starting on July 27, at 09:00 am GMT 1 Ether will buy you 225 EVX. 
  • Tier 3, starting on August 3, at 09:00 am GMT 1 Ether will buy you 200 EVX. 
  • Tier 4, starting on August 10, at 09:00 am GMT 1 Ether will buy you 190 EVX. 
  • Tier 5 starting on August 17, at 09:00 am GMT 1 Ether will buy you 180 EVX. 
  • The sale period will not exceed beyond August 31, at 08:59 am GMT.

To know more about the token sale and the allocation funds and vesting schedule, please refer to the below link.

The EVX Token Sale Starts NOW!

Token Usage

The EVX token has many utility functions on the Everex remittance and micro-credit platform: 

Membership – Proof of EVX ownership will be required to access advanced features, such as immediate on demand credit. 

Tradable Credit Scores & Collateral – Accumulation of EVX will allow users to improve their credit score. Also, EVX will be accepted as collateral to access credit at lower interest rates. 

Incentive Mechanism -Loans paid back in time will reward users with an EVX bonus, adding to a credit scoring. 

Buyback – If profitable with the surplus they will launch quarterly buy backs EVX will be purchased at market price. 



Existing money transfer systems suffer from long lines, exchange rate losses, counter-party risks, bureaucracy and extensive paperwork. Also, there is a huge population without access to bank accounts, thereby excluding them from basic and daily services such as payments, remittances and access to credit. 


They are trying to focus on solving the financial inclusion problem by applying blockchain technology for cross-border remittances, online payments, currency exchange and micro-lending using Cryptocash, without the volatility issues of existing, non-stable coin cryptocurrencies. 

Users can convert their paper, or digital fiat-currencies to Cryptocash at their local bank branch, or at currency exchanges and transfer them via a blockchain Peer-to-Peer (P2P) (Ethereum), using wallets kept on mobile phones, or online browsers. For lending, as part of our internal reward system, EVX tokens are used to improve the user-credit score by rewarding both the borrowers for paying back their loan in grace period and to lenders as a reward for their risk in addition to the paid interest rates. 

For Everex Capital Transfer System, they use an Agent-Oriented Modeling (AOM) method through which lending, payment and remittances services of the Everex system are provided within a desirable response time. Everex does not operate on the basis of P2P loans and instead invests its own aggregated capital to provide globally accessible credit services. 


Application & Technology 

In Everex, the capital transfer system is the lending system provided beside the remittance, payment and currency-exchange functionalities. 

The following key components make the Everex Distributed Application Architecture: 


Everex hosts its own Ethereum blockchain service nodes to provide the services of its capital transfer system such as creation, reading and confirmation of transactions as well as management of the Everex smart contracts that control the Cryptocash tokens. 


Wallets are stored on the blockchain, whereas user data is stored in a database inside the Account Management component. 


The Everex-Services component comprises all services provided by the capital transfer system. Services and user interactions that trigger, or create blockchain transactions are also handled by this component that interacts with the blockchains using ports and interfaces. 

Account Management 

The Account Management component is utilized to authenticate users and manage resulting transactions that are logged on the blockchain. 

The Ethereum-Parser application is used to index and track all Cryptocash transactions on the Ethereum blockchain and store them in the database component. The parsed information is used for the billing of Everex services and the calculation of credit scores of borrowers. 


In the context of the remittance component, this includes identifying and authenticating the sender and receiver, selecting a currency for the remittance process as well as preparing all information for the transaction triggered by the remittance process. 


The Init-Lending component corresponds to the preparatory stage of the lifecycle of a micro lending contract. The negotiation stage of the micro-lending contract maps to the functionalities provided by the contract-negotiation component. Lender and borrower negotiate the loan conditions based on the specification of the loan requested by the borrower and the credit-scoring results. 

Credit Scoring 

The credit-scoring component calculates a credit score of the borrower based on information available to the lender. 


2016: Validation and Plot  

Scope: 100 migrant workers, 850,000 Crypto THB Successful transfers confirmed between Thailand and Myanmar (eqv. $24,000) 

2017: Q2 Strategy and Planning  

  • Legal structure and framework 
  • Strategic Partnerships 
  • Marketing and PR 
  • Establish EVX community Advisory Board Selection 
  • Token Sale Platform development and testing 
  • Development of EVX token 

2017: Q3 – Open for Business 

  • Regulatory Framework Compliance Execution Plan 
  • License Application for lending and currency exchange 
  • Establish Partnerships with banks and Liquidity Providers 
  • Token Sale Event, listing EVX on exchanges 
  • Talent Recruitment for Key positions 
  • Product Portfolio Roadmap Execution Plan Official Launch of Myanmar, Russia and Thailand Markets 
  • EVX community development 

2018: Q1 – Product / Markets Grid  

  • Launch of Remittance and Micro-lending in 3 Asian markets 
  • New product features validation and integration 
  • Commercialization campaign of cryptocash for business growth opportunities in the Middle East and Europe 
  • Sales and Marketing Campaign Strategy 
  • Regulatory Framework Compliance 
  • Secure Technical Partnerships 
  • First quarterly EVX token buy back 

2018: Q2 – Product/Markets Expansion Grid 

  • Launch New Markets Middle East 
  • Market-Specific Sales and Marketing Campaigns 
  • Business growth opportunities in mature markets: Europe/US 
  • Business growth opportunities in emerging markets: China, India, SA 
  • Strengthened Regulatory Framework Compliance 
  • Establish hardware partnerships 
  • Establish easy cash in/out network in selected markets 
  • B2B Expansion Strategy 
  • Quarterly token buyback 

2018: Q4 – Business Growth  

  • Launch of key mature and emerging markets 
  • Strengthened EVX Community 
  • Product Portfolio Expansion 
    • CrowdLending 
    • CrowdInsurance 
    • Cryptocash Crowdfunding 
  • Blockchain B2B consulting 
  • Quarterly token buyback 


  • Alexi Lane – CEO, Founder
  • Alexander Kakunov – CTO, Co-founder
  • Jean-Baptiste Decorzent – Inclusive Finance Director
  • Anton Dzyatkovskii – Microlending Director
  • Artem Kolesnikov – Lead Engineer
  • Anastasia Khizhnyakova – Marketing
  • Dimitriy Karpenko – Country Representative, Russia
  • Harry Ye Kyaw – Country Representative, MM
  • Jacquiline Romorosa – Business Analyst


Their architecture is well grounded and they have a host of open source products like Ethplorer, Chainy, Everex wallet and Crypto Cash in their portfolio. They are an early starter in the Ethereum platform and have done limited pilot for cross border remittance in Thailand & Myanmar, they have a better understanding of the challenges that their product may face and hence they have a better business plan taking the challenges of a Blockchain and cryptocurrency based solution to the masses. 

But there are challenges regarding security and Ethereum being still an evolving platform having issues in transaction scaling. Given the fact that the whole lending process in not completely Peer-to-Peer, their significant human interaction is required at the sale endpoints. The involvement of representatives to collect and help with remittances limits the full power of Blockchain to the masses. However, on the upside, these services bring the much-needed speed in micro-lending and remittance which are still non-existent in some geographies. It remains to be seen with their multi-pronged offerings how they can compete in the market where already Transferwise, Ripple and Currency Cloud are some big players though the market and opportunity for them is huge. 


Disclaimer: This is not investment or trading advice, always do your own independent research.